Mr. Ford, I met you briefly…

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Mr. Ford, I met you briefly when you stopped in for gas on the 400 Northbound at the Canadian Tire years ago, just after your brother had passed away. I believed in you and your brother all those years ago and you had my full support. But I won't lie to you, things you and the Conservative party have done have completely changed my perspective.

It actually saddens me that I, a low income Ontario resident, have to worry everyday about how our provincial government is going to screw us. It happened with taking away the Green incentive, it's happening with our nurses, it's happening with our public healthcare, and now it's the Green Belt.

When will the privatization end? When the last union members fall? When the people you promised, along side your brother, to stop the gravy train and put money back into the people's pockets, have to work all day everyday for record profits? When all of our beautiful Ontario land is used and abused by corporate greed? When does this gravy train stop? You know, not only as an Ontarian, as a Canadian, what you're doing is not right.

Don't destroy the Green Belt to line already fat pockets. You still have time to help Ontario and help the people that need it most. People aren't just upset, they're angry. The anger is at you and your party.

Do the right thing, and do it for Canadians. Be a leader. Do not touch the Green Belt.