Leave the greenbelt alone…

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Leave the greenbelt alone unless strictly to add more designated space. No taking some areas to add in other places.
This will set dangerous precedent for govements to keep taking away from environmentally significant areas that need protecting. The Ford government promised not to touch these lands for any development proposals - stick to that promise.
These lands will be used for residential sprawl - entirely unsustainable, car-centric practices that will barely put a dent in the housing crisis.

There's plenty of existing land that can be turned into medium and high density housing - why give up such important land that won't even solve the problem?

This is not an isolated incident, the larger picture needs to be considered. For example, the Bradford bypass is already an entirely unnecessary destruction of environmentally significant lands that appears to be moving forward. Not only will the highway itself cause great destruction to very sensitive environmental areas, but it will make additional adjacent green/farm lands attractive for developers to profit off more unsustainable residential sprawl.

The proposal on redesignating greenbelt areas would be slightly more palatable if medium+ density & transit oritend communities were a requirement in order for developers to be permitted to build on these lands.
Considering the existing adjacent communities appear to be examples of residential sprawl, and the the fact that it would take collaboration and strategic planning between developers, the province and municipalities to makes these sustainable communities happen - I have no hope in this outcome as the province seems to prioritize rushing this process without proper care and consideration of the long term impacts.
Absolutely unacceptable.