I am deeply concerned about…


I am deeply concerned about the proposed changes to the Development Changes Act. DCs are one of the few ways municipalities can generate revenue and reducing the amount municipalities can charge for DCs and the scope in which they can apply DCs will harm citizens through the reduction of services municipalities can provide. Municipalities rely on DCs to afford services like water and sewage, provision of libraries, and other services. With such a great reduction in DCs, municipalities will be forced to either go without or significantly increase property taxes.

The reduction of DCs will not pass on cost savings to renters and buyers but only further the profits of developers. This is not enough to incite developers to create affordable housing - there is no compelling reason for them to pass on cost savings unless mandated by the government.

Further, the reduction of greenspace requirements proposed in this Bill is also alarming given the well-researched fact that greenspace is vital to residents' well-being as well as in meeting our climate change adaptation needs.