I request that the proposed…


I request that the proposed changes to the Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes (Schedule 9 and 1 of Bill 23 - the proposed More Homes Build Faster Act, 2022) be withdrawn in their entirety. The Government's own initiative, Ontario's Housing Authority's Task Force, clearly identified that additional land is NOT required. "Most of the solution must come from densification." "Greenbelts and other environmentally sensitive areas must be protected; farms provide food and food security."

As a grandmother of 9 children under the age of 9, I am horrified by proposed Bill 23 and the amendments to the Provincial Planning Statement. Given the dire predictions of over a 3 degree increase in average temperatures and the resulting increase of devastating storms, flooding, drought, biodiversity loss, etc. it is imperative that the these proposals be rescinded.

Ontarians require a provincial government that will do everything possible to increase protection of natural heritage systems, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the resiliency of our ecosystems and assist citizens to reduce their environmental footprint.

We owe it to future generations to leave them a world that is habitable; the prospect right now is that they will face a very difficult and disruptive future. The current government needs to make a 180 degree turn in the direction of their policy and legislative initiatives.