Expanded development in…

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Expanded residential development into rural areas extends the zone that must be serviced with expensive infrastructure, that will be borne by all rate payers: fire, ambulance, roads, schools, utilities, transit and much more. Left to their own, developers will build low density, detached and likely very large houses- which does nothing to address the barriers to access to housing for first time owners. High density in remote locations should require developers to pay for essential infrastructure.

The top priorities of any re-zoning anywhere in Ontario are:
-more dense housing near public transit - particularly rail transit, and transit to hospitals, schools, etc
-all developments must contain 50% or more (land area) of townhouse or higher density residences
-If there is a property value windfall (based on value over a threshold- how about more than double), those profiting from rezoned land must pay a surtax to subsidise future servicing with roads and power.
-in contrast to the greenbelt rezoning plan, there should be tax incentives to develop housing infrastructure that infills well serviced communities.