I don’t often comment issues…

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I don’t often comment issues however, as an avid runner, cyclist in the Greenbelt area of Durham Region I do not support the proposed amendments to the greenbelt plan. I want my children and their children to be able to have the same opportunities and green space around them in the GTA, to shop local and eat local produce.

I understand and appreciate the housing crisis Ontario but what about our mental health? There is a huge correlation between mental health, exercise and the outdoors. It is important we have access to this.
If you haven’t read any of the studies please consider this one from a well respected Canadian physician, author. Please read about the impact of the outdoors on mental health.

You need to challenge the local municipalities to get more creative with housing solutions. Look at other solutions globally.

If we add more housing to the GTA traffic is just going to get worse. Our local farmers will be gone. It’s so important to eat local, eat whole foods and not processed foods, like we can today.

The greenbelt is part of an incredible (and safe) running and cycling route. This is so important for these endurance sports in Ontario.
Also, Our physical fitness and mental health. And the growth of the endurance sports in Ontario.

As a previous scout and guide leader I have also seen the impact directly on the outdoors on children, especially those that can not afford organized sports. The green belt area contains local farms, forests and lots of Green space that is low cost or is free entertainment for low income families and children. These spaces also encourage creativity and problem solving.

Eating local fruits and vegetables is essential to our health. There are studies that suggest eating local honey helps to reduce the symptoms of allergies. Have you done the impact analysis on the development of this land to the local bee population? It is so critical we are able to eat local, grow our food locally, and protect this land.

As a ministry, government and province, we can do better than destroying more of our Greenbelt. We need to interact with other countries and come up with innovative solutions for housing along with a balance with the environment Eg. Such as the EPA commissioned studies in Sweden.

Developing this Greenbelt land is a short term band-aid for the economy and housing shortage. It doesn’t solve the larger climate impact, food security, mental health, or negative impacts to low income communities of the Greenbelt.

Please preserve our Greenbelt as it is today.