The Ford Government said …

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The Ford Government said "The people have spoken - we won't touch the Greenbelt." This aligns with a 2013 poll that says 90 per cent of Ontarians support the Greenbelt. However, Doug Ford and his government have lied, and are now attempting to develop parts of the Greenbelt; and are doing so in an incredibly corrupt way.

The fact that dividing up the Greenbelt is even a conversation is absurd, the Greenbelt is protected land for a reason. Yes, Ontario is growing and with that we need more infrastructure and housing, however, this is not the way we should be developing Ontario. This proposal threatens air quality, animal habitats, farmland and food supply, forests, wetlands; this proposal contributes to greenhouse gases, urban sprawl; and this proposal stifles the growth of public transit and misses an opportunity to improve public transit in Ontario.

This proposal says to Ontarians that protecting Ontario farmlands, forests, wetlands, and animal habitats is not important and is not the responsibility of the Ontario Government. Nor is building sustainable cities and infrastructure that is not car focused. This proposal is moving us backwards as a province and country.