I wish to express my grave…

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I wish to express my grave concerns re. the amendments to the Greenbelt Plan.

First, I have to ask if any of those involved in making this decision have grandchildren? If the answer is yes, what about THEIR future? The environmental costs outweigh any imagined gains. Developers and those who conveniently bought land will gain money but at the expense of the future generations. There is also surely the matter of some questionable practices by Doug Ford, the PC party and Steve Clark.

Second as others have pointed out this plan will NOT solve the housing crisis. Look world wide for real solutions. We cannot continue the sprawl mentality in a climate crisis - we need creative not destructive thinkers.

Third we need to protect the environment not destroy it for monetary gain - that is VERY old world thinking. Farmland and ecosystems for wild life including some endangered species will be lost for what? We need as much locally grown food as possible to do our bit to tackle the climate crisis.

We need 21st century thinking that puts the environment as number one on the list.

I suggest reconsidering the whole plan so that you will be able to look your grandchildren in the eye and say we listened, thought a lot, then acted for them and their future. Paying it forward, not selfishly thinking of yourself and your own financial standing.

I am also appalled at the lies we were given, but also the lack of real foresight and working for the whole community not just developer friends.

Geoff Day