Proposed Planning Act and…


Proposed Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes (Schedules 9 and 1 of Bill 23 - the proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022)
ERO number: 019-6163

I have three objections to Bill 23 which unfortunately has already been passed, without the benefit of fulsome public input. This Bill was intended to address a housing shortage in Ontario, more specifically "affordable" housing. However in my view, this bill will actually lead to higher property taxes, weaken conservation authority powers, weaken municipality Official Town Plans and because of who the builders are and how they came to secure the lands it is unclear how this plan will actually make homes more affordable and ultimately who will really benefit from Bill 23.
The greater issue of course is the arbitrary removal of the protections afforded the Greenbelt and all of its sensitive wetlands and ecosystems. A very dangerous precedent that favours developers over environment will be set that once in motion will be impossible to stop.
Please see my full comment attached.