The proposed amendments to…

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The proposed amendments to the greenbelt plan will not promote the building of the required homes needed in Ontario.
It will only contribute to urban sprawl and increase the effects of climate change.

The towns and cities affected did not request this change as it is not needed.
They have all spent years, with a great deal of consultation with the people that live there, to come up
with well thought out plans for residential development.
There is plenty of land in the towns and cities already zoned residential to accomplish the task of building
1.5 million homes. They don't require the greenbelt lands and they didn't ask for them.

It is not the lack of land holding back the building. It is lack of trades and the mass
retirement of an aging population, along with supply chain disruptions and inflation costs that is causing
the most impact on the delay in building the homes. Sacrificing part of the greenbelt will not
change these factors.

As an aside these problems (shortages/aging) have been talked about since the 70's by provincial and federal gov't
and nobody did anything.

The provincial gov't has already changed the zoning on former single house lots to allow duplexes and triplexes.
This in itself will supply much of the required housing if the provincial gov't and municipalities work together.

The provincial gov't promised not to touch the greenbelt. You cannot switch out part of the greenbelt
for some other land. The environment does not work that way. It is not like changing a pair of
pants. The existing wetlands help mitigate the current and future changes we are/will experiencing/
experience due to climate change. The waters, plants, and wildlife all work together.
Ripping part of the greenbelt out will have a great impact on the remaining lands.
We cannot take water as a given. We must do all we can to keep southern Ontario waters safe.
Destroying this part of the greenbelt will do the opposite of keeping the waters safe.
We need a healthy environment to mitigate increased flooding.
Ripping part of the greenbelt out will cause increased flooding.

The number of houses going to be built on this land is under 4% of the proposed 1.5 million homes.
This is a paltry amount. It is hiding behind the need for homes and an insult to the land.
Land is a scared trust. Once it is gone, it is gone.
Many people spent many years creating the greenbelt, working with farmers, and towns
to create something special and unique. Something that our children and our children's
children would be proud of and could enjoy. It should not be destroyed by
people who don't understand the connection with the land.
It should not be destroyed so that a few insiders with get very wealthy and so that
a few more people will live in large homes.

Cities and towns need housing for the people who work minimum wage jobs,
for people that live in one bedroom apartments with a family of four,
for the growing senior population that does not a pension or a large amount of assets,
for refugees that are escaping from horrendous conditions, for immigrants that we
need to keep Ontario thriving. In other words we need RENTAL UNITS, close to transit
and where people work. In the existing residential areas.
As an aside I am not one of the above noted people but I want to make Ontario a better
place to live for half the population that is struggling to get by.

We don't need the destruction of the greenbelt for a few more 2 or 3 car families buying large homes.

If the 13 Urban River Valley areas are going to be added to the greenbelt all the better.
Don't use this action as part of a shell game to divert the attention away from the destruction
of thousands of acres of the greenbelt for the betterment of only the wealthy few.

If the Paris Galt Moraine lands are to be added to the greenbelt all the better.
However not at the destruction of the existing greenbelt.
As an aside who owns the Paris Galt Moraine lands and what will be the financial cost
to the people of Ontario if it became part of the greenbelt?

Any farming land we have left in Ontario is special. As we have seen with
supply disruptions it is important to the health of the people of Ontario
to have local farmland. Why would it ever be suggested that lands currently
designated as Specialty Crop(Niagara Peninsula Tender Fruit and Grape Area)
and Natural Heritage system in the greenbelt be redesignated town/village?
There is a serious crisis ahead for the world of which Ontario is not immune.
We need farmlands to grow food.

Greenbelt Plan
Oak Ridges Moraine
Niagara Escarpment Plan
Are the words permanent protection understood? It doesn't mean nibble
here and nibble there and then take a big chuck out.
It doesn't mean play a shell game.
There are not regulatory burdens on municipalities to effectively direct growth.
Lands under the greenbelt only have prohibitions to keep them safe and protected.
This is another shell game.

Plant a tree under whose shade you will not sit.
Not destroy a greenbelt under which a few people will become wealthy
and a few people will have large homes while millions of people struggle
to pay rent and buy food.

Seven generations - indigenous way of life.
Use the wisdom of the 3 generations that came before you to allow
the 3 generations that come after you to prosper (doesn't mean money).
Not screw everybody as long as I get more than my fair share and
who cares about the future generations.