I submit to the Province of…


I submit to the Province of Ontario re: Bill 23, that it violates our Agreement with First Nations People to share and protect the lands by the Wampum Belt Covenant. This Agreement is declared at every public meeting in Ontario. Its violation begins with the lie to protect the Greenbelt. It is being cut instead of being held intact. Democratic choices and decisions are being eroded. We have evaluated land use options in our City and have found more than adequate supply for housing. Implications for taxation to pay for urban sprawl infrastructure violates our freedom to plan and spend as a municipality. The ability to protect our lands under jurisdictions of Conservation Authority as proposed is null and void. Actions to mitigate climate change are compromised by removing carbon sinks, ie. trees, wetlands, and croplands. Green corridors are essential for migration of species and pollinators. Interruptions in the corridors disrupt habitat and migration routes. Bill 23 is short sighted, providing narrow interest to developers, including the provision of cuts to development charges, and gives nothing back to the land we want to sustain our present and future. We need a new conversation that is based on mutual sustainable land use, our covenant with indigenous people and values. Bill 23 is the opposite, based on values that support greed, consumption, disrespect and irreverence for the planet and its species. Our lawmakers must have the courage to admit error and begin again to listen to the people. Please do not enact Bill 23.