A friend of mine wrote this…

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A friend of mine wrote this and I wholeheartedly agree and would like to submit this on my behalf as my opinion. I would also like to add that as an energy management professional, I would be willing to assist in the policy revision.

1. The promotion of this bill has suggested that Cap and Trade is a "Carbon Tax". Cap and Trade is not a tax. It is disingenuous to suggest that it is.

2. Cap and Trade is a market mechanism, first championed by conservative-minded people.

3. Cap and Trade works. It adds a value to carbon emissions which then must be reduced by lowering allowances.

4. The only option left to this government if it does not want to use a market mechanism is regulatory controls if it is serious about actually reducing greenhouse gas emissions to the degree we need to. This is an emergency. Please behave like this is an emergency.

5. The introduction of this Act is irresponsible and dangerous. It proceeds against worldwide scientific advice. Time is of the essence.

6. Many excellent projects were being funded by this. Badly needed projects, like repairs to schools that would save taxpayers on energy bills in the immediate future while also improving the learning environment. This is inexcusable.

7. Concerns over increase in homeowner's fuel bills can be addressed by redirecting a portion of the proceeds from Cap and Trade to those individuals who need it the most. Wholesale removal of Cap and Trade is not a solution to the issue of ever-increasing fuel prices.

8. Removal of Cap and Trade means that a made-in-Ontario solution that best suits the people of Ontario will now be faced with a made-in-Ottawa carbon tax which we don't want that may very well be not to Ontario's benefit, especially in regards to how the proceeds of the carbon tax will be distributed.

Do not proceed to enact this Act. Restore Cap and Trade.