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The repeal of the Green Energy Act in Ontario is yet another example of why Ontario continues to go through waves of progress and regression when it comes to overall environmental sustainability. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario totally object to the repeal of the the Green Energy Act. Climate Change is the most pressing issue facing the world. Ontario should remain a leader in the world developing the green energy economy.

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I am disappointed that the Green Energy Act was repealed and feel that, at the very least, the new energy efficiency initiatives should have been in place before the repeal. Ontario had an effective system in Cap and Trade that was working well for us and it was wasteful to repeal it. Lire davantage

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Again going back 20 years! How can any document be relevant in a world that changes so quickly 20 YEARS LATER! Seems like this government is great at tearing things up with no current and relevant replacement.

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The wording of this proposal is utterly misleading. It uses language intended to imply that the Green Act is imposing constraints with only negative impact. That is absolutely false and misleading. Lire davantage

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The approach - cancelling/discouraging renewable energy projects and energy efficiency initiatives - without stating the government’s long term plans for meeting demand and environmental protection goals - is very worrying to me. Why not leave things in place until new programs have been developed?

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We need a full court press to reduce our environmental impact. Think beyond your next election, look at your children and grand-children and realize what we do now impacts the world we give to them.

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Just mind-boggling! Such deep thinkers in the government ranks! (Not!) The best they can do for the environment is to turn back the clock to 1998. Say, wasn't that the same year the previous Conservative government formulated a sex-education curriculum that is also now to be enforced? Lire davantage

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The current Green Energy Act has allowed for significant investment in green energy throughout the province. This has had a significant positive effect on our economy. Lire davantage

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Please consider the long-term implications of the Repeal of the Green Energy Act, and reconsider. We are perilously close to a point of no return regarding climate change. Lire davantage

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Going by the summary provided, with two exceptions these appear to be commendable amendments. I did not learn in the media that all these environmental protection measures are being re-introduced, now in the Electricity Act. Lire davantage