I strongly object to Bill 97…


I strongly object to Bill 97. It represents the ongoing agenda of the Conservative Government to undermine measures that secure agricultural lands and maintain environmental protections. Responsible and science-informed and researched conservation of land should be a central goal of any responsible government concerned about the best interest of its citizens. Food security and the integrity of the environment are at risk when land grabbing for the sake of development dollars becomes the primary driving force. We have already seen the destruction that can occur when MZOs are used to sidestep and override municipal planning and environmental protections. Bill 97 reflects a frightening lack of foresight by the current Conservative government. Once gone, these things cannot be recovered by simply planting a tree or digging a pond. Bill 97 continues to expand access to land outside of municipalities, over farmland, wetlands (critical for flood control), forests, and vital habitat areas. This is in direct opposition to regional and municipal plans that encourage use of property already available to municipalities for building, and that encourage development along existing public transport and utility corridors. To be responsible to the citizens of Ontario and future generations, we ask that Bill 97 be rescinded.