This is not a suitable site…

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This is not a suitable site for this type of industry. The current domant site was registered back in the 1970's when environmental damage was not taken as seriously as it is now nore was the demographic what is it now for that area.

Currently within 1km of the edge of this property in question are 38 residential property's, including a brand new subdivision. Most of which are using waterwells directly feed by the ground surrounding this property.

The local main operating cemetery is also within 1km of this property as well.

A protected water way runs along the direct propety in question that is a known spawning site for pike not to mention the remainder of the extensive bio diversity of animals and birds that can be found by that waterway and surrounding bush and it is a main drain directly into the Sydenham River.

There are 100's of acreas of farm

And just alittle over a km is a high-school as well as 100 more residential properties.

There has to be a better fitted property for this use.