Pertaining to ERO # 019-8205…

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Pertaining to ERO # 019-8205

I am a resident within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, I do not live close to the proposed expansion of the landfill, however, what concerns Dresden will concern all of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. We are an amalgamation that occurred in 1998. There are many concerns to this proposal.
1. Watershed issues. We are an agricultural community, potential run off into our water shed and agricultural land is of vital importance. We have many creeks/dikes within our Municipality that expand throughout. Many water wells for our rural communities could and already have been affected according to local news.
2. Public Health & Safety - As mentioned above to our water wells, drinking water contaminated. The run off can expand as far as Lake Erie, which is the drinking water for all of the Municipality.
3. 24/7 Use of Facility - Trucks travelling on highways/rural roads, over bridges/dikes etc.. We have an enormously large amount of bridges and dikes within our community of which the tax payer is paying for. The amount of trucks bringing in large/heavy material into our community will definitely take its toll on our infrastructure, which all taxpayers within the Municipality have a vestment.
I am asking you The Ministry of Environment to not consider York1's proposal for expansion. Thank you