York 1 has provided very…

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York 1 has provided very little information on this project. There public meetings have been a joke at best. Numerous questions asked and zero answers. This ERO should be put on hold until they start suppling information whether required or not. You have the power to request additional information. York1 has claimed up to be up to 700 trucks per day, 24 hrs a day and seven days a week. I cant believe they haven't done a traffic study before submitting and that one is not required from the MOE for a project request of this size. Even though an Environment Assessment is not required, the MOE should be requesting more information on the environment before ever making a desicion on this ERO. There is too many residential households in proximity to this site for all this to happen. I am 100% in favour in recycling and believe there should be more of it but a project this size is in the wrong location and should be along the 400 series highways to limit the impact of all these trucks destroying roads that are not built or designed for this project. This project negatively affects so many communities besides Chatham Kent with the truck traffic. Do the right thing and halt this request until more info is available or just turn down the request. Thanks for your attention.