The proposal by York1 is to…

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The proposal by York1 is to change a small ash storage site that has been dormant for decades to a full scale Dump and Recycling center. The closest this has ever been to a working property in the past 30 years was shredding pallets for wood chips. There are many reason why myself and most of the residents of Dresden appose this change. I have listed below a few of my concerns.

1)Location the distance to Dresden is less than I km which, in itself, should disqualify the location as being suitable for what is being proposed. Placing a dump so far away from main highways will also have a negative impact not only on the residents of Dresden but also on the residents of any of the small towns in their path.

2) Environmental Impact, The property backs on the Molly Creek which feeds the Sydenham River. Leaching from the waste water will, without a doubt, make it's way into the waterways causing harm to endangered species. No matter how well you think you can control ground water it is not possible when you get those once in 3 years flood type rains.

3) Noise pollution With the plant so close to Dresden and the recycling of concrete with rebar, the destructive crushing of this material 7 days a week 24 hours a day this close to the town will have a negative impact on the quality of life for it's residence.

4) Traffic While Dresden does have 2 plants, the cannery and a stamping plant which is closing soon, that have a need for transport trucks to be on our roads it is nothing compared to the 100's of trucks per day that York1 is proposing for the dump. These trucks coming into the plant, from any direction, again will have a detrimental effect on the quality of life for the residence of Dresden. If they come through Dresden they will have to travel through 2 school zones.

5)Smell Again the town of Dresden and it's 3500 residents are to close for a dump taking in household waste. York1 is proposing a recycling plant for dirt and construction waste, yet they slip in the need for 25 tons of household waste per week. There is a reason why dumps are located in isolated locations and this is not isolated.

6) Property Values York1 is promoting that the creation of 25 new jobs in the area will help the local economy, I think it is obvious to all that a dump located on the border of your town cannot help the local economy or the values of the residents. If this dump is located this close to Dresden then every home in Dresden will be negatively impacted and should be revalued by MPAC and have their taxes reduced which would have a negative impact on Chatham-Kents tax base.

It seems obvious that York1 is trying to move very quickly to get this dump in before it became known to the local residents and the local politicians. They are trying to frame this as expanding an existing dump which couldn't be further from the truth. The existing property at one time was a storage site for ash and was a recycling operation changing wooden pallets to wood chips. It is a giant leap from what it was to what York1 is proposing it becomes. At a minimum an environmental assessment needs to be done to see what impact the proposal will have. Residents within a minimum 3km radius should have been given written notice of the proposal over 2 years ago when York1 bought the property and proper meetings should have been held to inform residents within that radius of their proposal. We, as residents of Dresden look forward to hearing a Government response to our concerns. This proposal requires a traffic assessment, an Environmental Assessment including air quality, noise, ground water leaching and a zoning assessment as this property was never meant for this type of operation.