YORK1 did everything…

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YORK1 did everything underhanded, there is no solution that benefits everyone. It’s either a landfill to suit YORK1 or we are treated like our physical and mental health matters, our community matters, our lives matter, our livelihood matters.

This is 2024, not 1987. We know better, we need to do better! A FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT needs to be done. Not that I totally trust that either because I’m guessing people have been paid off to push this monstrosity through.
YORK1 has zero regard for our health our homes our community our livelihoods, our environment.
I spoke with their own landfill specialist at table 4 during their information session. I asked if they utilize all the land they have purchased (over 300 acres), will this be a megadump, he replied “Yes, that would be considered a megadump”.
Opening up an old site that was used to bury ash, that lies in a floodplain, has endangered species, a marsh, creeks and connected to the Sydenham is beyond cruel!
There is also evidence stating the site is not suitable for a landfill. This is a unique geographical area!
YORK1 also went a full year moving materials from the site to landfills while they were uninsured! They insured the wrong address for a full year, was it a mistake, maybe or was it on purpose! There is proof of this. How can a company that can’t even get an address correct? Be trusted to build a landfill?
Less than 1 km From over 2400 homes is absolutely unacceptable. This will all come out, all the wrongdoing will be exposed. So many red flags, even red flags, raised by the ministry of the environment in writing to York1. Documentation will be provided when necessary.