To Whom It May Concern, My…

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To Whom It May Concern,

My concerns are related to the timing of recent changes to environmental and zoning regulations that correlate to the purchase of this property and proposal for expansion of the facility and purposes.

In addition to the purchase of the waste disposal site on Irish School Road, York1 made purchase agreements for neighbouring agricultural lands ahead of the ERO proposal. What are the intentions of York1 in relation to the neighbouring properties?

In addition to rejecting this proposal, I ask that you review with the Integrity Commissioner, any and all connections between the current and former owners and executives of York1, York1 affiliates and current and former Members of Provincial Parliament, including the Premier who have sat on committees to propose changes to legislation regarding environmental regulation and/or waste management site zoning regulations. The coincidences are too great to ignore.

York1's interest in the reactivation and expansion of the waste disposal site near Dresden, Ontario goes beyond the reclamation and recycling of demolition materials. If the expansion is approved, a larger waste management site holds the potential to offset the current disposal challenges faced by large scale developers in the GTA. A small community in Chatham-Kent should not bear the burden of water, air and soil pollution, habitat loss and infrastructure wear and tear while GTA developpers record a profit.

Premier Ford's recent changes to zoning and environmental protection legislation have paved the way for large scale developers to acquire properties and avoid the scrutiny of environmental monitoring and protection. Publicly, owners and executives of York1 and its affiliates have been lobbying municipal and provincial government for the removal of "red tape" regulations that slow down development. The Guizzettis (York Group, Empire) and Golini (Empire) contributed to Doug Ford's election campaign. Empire Communities is a member of the Ontario Home Builders Association, a lobbying group that has submitted multiple letters and requests for the removal of “red tape” regulations (i.e. zoning, environmental protections) for the benefit of developers. Mr. Golini has held PC campaign events at his home. Mr. Golini has also served as the chair of another advocacy group, Building Industry and Land Development Association.

These large scale construction businesses and property developers have a disposal challenge. A small dormant landfill in the St. Clair Region watershed, just outside the rural community of Dresden, Ontario cannot bear the the long term potential health, environmental and financial consequences of their demolition and disposal challenges.

I look forward to a response to my comments and concerns. I will await the news of the rejected proposal and the rejection of any future proposals to expand or repurpose the waste disposal site at Irish School Road near Dresden, Ontario.


Note: Please see attached links for suppoting information.