Our town is very concerned…

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Our town is very concerned regarding York 1s proposed site 1 km from town,1.5 km to our local high school and 2.5km to our elementary school.

Information from York 1was not openly shared with Dresden residents until February at a limited capacity meeting where the information was misleading, flat out lies or they weee unable to answer questions asked. Dresden residents left the meetings more upset and confused with the non informative outcome. If York 1 documented our town was enlightened on this proposal that is not correct.

Landfills cause much destruction and being so close to Molly’s Creek and the Sydenham River the possibility of leachate is a huge concern as this toxic liquid goes through waste materials and ground water.

Landfills affect the soil that in turn affects our habitat,causing risk to our ecosystems and endangered species in the creek and Sydenham River. The landfill can disrupt migration and migratory patterns and also affect wildlife’s survival.

York 1 cannot guarantee this leachate will not be leaked. With flooding, as Dresden has seen numerous times, is an environmental concern that cannot be overlooked. The risk of flooding alone can obstruct the drainage pathway. The negativity is endless.

Farming is not the problem here. Our town is an agricultural community and landfills can have a detrimental effect on agricultural land. Leachate causes long term problems to farming production of food and for safety. Farmers can also lose demand for their products as there will definately be pollution concerns.

Our town being so close to this site will be exposed to air pollution, and we know that when organic waste decompensates there is methane gas. Methane has already been detected in a nearby well and how this is not environmentally assessed is concerning to everyone.

The heart of Dresden is 1 km from this site and the noise alone for the communities quality of life is going to be unimaginable. Not to mention the decrease in property values,safety hazards for farmers with combines,tractors and wagons along with motorists and the bus routes with our children are not safe or reasonable . I understand the ministry only looks at the actual site for congestion and safety but to think you are adding 700 trucks 24/7 to already stressed rural roads is pathetic.

I am still in shock that this proposal has gone this far and how Dresden residents were not privy to all York 1s plans. Why would that be if there was not something underlying that is was all in the open and residents were informed from day 1.

With all the environmental issues with this landfill, that will eventually be a mega dump when they get what they need, is far beyond belief.

Dresden does not want York 1 or anything they stand for . Please protect the safety and health of our community and families. Protect our land and eco-system and keep Dresden as the beautiful town we know and love.