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Stop aggregate extraction from trumping all other land uses #FoodAndWaterFirst I am an Ontario Resident and Taxpayer. I ask that the Government of Ontario and the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry: 1.

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Biodiversity While management decisions are sometimes directed at individual species, they reflect the needs of whole ecosystems. Sometimes, people and wildlife can come into conflict. Wildlife management must be flexible in considering ecological, social and economic factors.

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Stop aggregate extraction from jeopardizing our water sources #ProtectOurWater #FoodAndWaterFirst I am an Ontario Resident and Taxpayer. I ask that the Government of Ontario and the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry: 1.

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Concerns regarding EBR registry number 012-8238 Noise - no noise studies done in respect to close proximity to neighboring residential properties. Concerns are increased truck traffic and most concerning is the stone crushing intentions associated with this operation.

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I believe the following studies should be done before further consideration of this application: - Cumulative Impact Study, due to the high number of active pits already in this agricultural community.

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We have concerns about this gravel pit about - noise - dust - water wells contamination and running low - water ways, such as the creek and river - wildlife habitat - endangered and threatened species - cumulative effects of so many pits in one community - loss of agricultural land - non-renewabl

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