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 Please Note, the following letter containing comments  for O.Reg 311/06 is being submitted on behalf of the Mayor of Waterloo - a signed copy of the letter has also been mailed for the official record:

   Dear Ms. Tan:

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   As a result of the City’s Station Area Planning work completed to date, the City initiated a Municipal Comprehensive Review on May 29, 2017.

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   June 14, 2017

  Cindy Tan, Manager

 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

 Ontario Growth Secretariat

 777 Bay Street

 Toronto Ontario

 M5G 2E5

  Dear Ms. Tan,

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   ~{-(fG CAMBRIDGE tt'salt righthere

 June 15, 2017

 Cindy Tan


 Ontario Growth Secretariat

 Ministry of Municipal Affairs

 777 Bay Street

 Toronto, ON

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   City of Oshawa staff have reviewed EBR Registry #013-0426 with respect to the proposed modifications to O. Reg. 311/06 (Transitional Matters – Growth Plans) and have the following comments:

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Statut du commentaire

    RE: EBR Registry Number 013-0426

  Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the new 311/06 Transition Regulations.

  For reasons outlined below, we request the following revision:

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