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To ensure clarity around the definition of green infrastructure and alignment to policy statements under Section 3(1) of the Planning Act, a direct reference to or inclusion of the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) definition of green infrastructure should be included: “Green infrastructure: mea

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Green infrastructure should be included in the regulation as a core infrastructure asset. Green infrastructure can be a cost-effective complement (or alternative) to grey infrastructure, a relationship that is specifically cited in Ontario’s PPS 2014.

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We need trees to be included as Municipal Green Infrastructure. Trees provide a wide range of healthy and cost saving opportunities for all communities.

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1.All municipalities would be required to develop and adopt a strategic asset management policy by January 1, 2019. At least every five years from that date the municipality would be required to review the policy and if necessary update it.

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1)The Township has concerns of funding availability in order to meet these new guidelines and regulations as monies taken from the Township are potential monies not available to improve and/or replace infrastructure and assets.

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I, Councillor Sarah Doucette strongly support the province’s leadership in integrating green infrastructure into its new regulation for municipal asset management planning.

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My comments re: the proposed regulation are as follows:

- timelines too demanding

- is capacity in the AMP consulting industry adequate?

- Difficult to find software that will satisfy regulation and be user-friendly & affordable

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The Municipality of Red Lake believes that good planning is a vital component to meeting the guidelines/requirements of the Municipal Act; Planning Act etc. Planning is a vital tool in many facets of our organization.

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• Strategic Asset Management Policy: More clarity is required on the Strategic AM policy. A template would be beneficial to guide the drafting of the policy and to accommodate the long list of requirements.

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Perry Township is a small northern rural municipality with a population of >2500. Capacity Challenges As a small northern rural municipality, the Township of Perry faces capacity challenges in regard to this regulation.

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Approvals The requirement for a licensed engineering practitioner to approve the AMP in writing will result in external costs for many small municipalities.

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The proposed municipal asset management planning regulation will require a significant amount of staff time over the next four years to implement, as well as on an ongoing basis to review, update and maintain.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As a result of our review of the regulation, we recommend that you consider extending the timelines for phases II and III of the development of comprehensive asset management plans by at least two years, for reasons detailed below.

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