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This is important! Green energy is necessary to maintain our planet in good standing and allow people to enjoy new ways of generating power without the harmful effects of burning coal. Please support the effort to stop Ford from going ahead with the stoppage of this project. Wake up people.

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Alternative energy is food for the planet. How foolish to waste the investment already made

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Reality is the “stuff” that doesn’t go away no matter how hard you try ti ignore it. Ideological decision making a crude attempt to ignore reality. We allow this at our peril. Reality is bigger and deeper than any ideology so when push comes to shove, reality always win.

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This is a waste of taxpayers money and completely disrespectful of renewable energy’s role in solving the climate crisis! Ford is a climate denier of the worst kind and we need to tell him it’s not OK!

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It’s heartbreaking to see money thrown away to undo a project already started and partially complete. Let it finish rather than undo it.

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Cancelling this project that is near completion is irresponsible. It is also absurd to believe that the government can retroactively protect itself from litigation since the proposed legislation was not in place when this contract was approved. Lire davantage

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This decision is not only backwards environmentally, it’s a huge waste of money already committed and will harm Ontario’s reputation with business.

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At very least it would provide some energy and spread out the costs of the main grid at least a bit. But claiming to be fiscally responsible while spending $100 million on a project that gets cancelled last minute is anything but fiscally responsible.

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wouldn't taking the wind mills down now be irresponsible to the environment? Why not finish what was started and get some benefit from them?

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Remember how much it cost to cancel the gas plant? Well, this is echoing the same sort of cost-wasting action but this time for a clean energy source that keeps getting more cost efficient and time goes on.

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Nothing should be cancelled without thorough research and a very good reason for wasting taxpayers money

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it's madness to shut down this project which has been 10 years in the making for no good reason

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the last thing the PC's need is our version of the "gas plant" debacle by cancelling ANOTHER almost complete project. Seriously!

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The wind mills cancellation is bad for business, bad for the environment and bad for taxpayers. What is the point of not using since they are 90% finished?

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It is inconceivable that any rational government would close a legally permitted renewable energy facility before it is constructed without providing a reason for doing so. What is the reason for the closure of this facility? Please justify this reason using published information. Lire davantage

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Do not cancel this project, please. You are well aware of the UN Climate Report and the fact that we only have until 2030 to take drastic measures to get global warming under control. Lire davantage

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This legislation needs to be reversed and the White Pines project should be completed as originally planned. Lire davantage

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I support this new regulation to the environmental protection act, WPD should be held responsible to Lire davantage