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I do not support to essentially give away our water to a multi billion dollar corporation so they can sell it back to us at a massive profit. If Nestle needs our water so bad they make them pay for it! Seriously pay for it, don't give it away! Lire davantage

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I was alarmed to learn today that Nestle pays almost nothing for the water that it withdraws here for bottling and sale. Why is this? Why can't the government charge a sensible rate for commercial use of our water - or do we exist for these businesses' benefit?

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The price for any extensions or renewal of bulk bottled water should increase at least by a magnitude of 10. Only if plastic bottled water is expensive enough will people stop buying it and the proliferation of one-use plastic is destroying our environment. Lire davantage

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I support the extension of the moratorium on new and expanded water taking permits. Water is a common and should not be sold as a commodity. Water is a basic human right necessary to survive and should not be sold. Lire davantage

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Natural water sources are under extreme pressure from increased use and climate change. Commercial enterprises that exert additional pressure on these systems is not sustainable, and is not in the interest of the people, wildlife, and conservation efforts of Ontario.

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Time is running out. The moratorium on new permits for water bottling is set to expire at the end of this year. The Ontario government implemented the ban so that research on Ontario’s groundwater could be completed and the province could make sure our ground water is being managed sustainably. Lire davantage

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As a citizen of Ontario I find it appalling that this proposal is even being considered for renewal. There is no valid counterargument to the social costs that come with unethically consuming an essential natural resource and producing millions of plastic water bottles yearly. Lire davantage

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Please extend the moratorium indefinitely. There is already too much plastic in this world and big businesses taking but not giving back.

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When reviewing the Proposal to extend the current moratorium on water bottling permits: Consider the human right to water and sanitation as recognized by the United Nations General Assembly. Lire davantage

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While I am pleased the moratorium has been extended 9 months, I would prefer that water bottling facilities be permanently prohibited from taking any water at all from Ontario's waterways.

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It is ridiculous that we allow companies like Nestle to essentially deplete groundwater for free. Especially when the product they are selling is so damaging for the environment.

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There should never be any water pumped and bottled by any company to make a profit, we need to take action before its to late and single use bottles are the worst, you can travel anywhere in the world and see them littered everywhere. Lire davantage

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I support this, but it would be better to continue the moratorium until the Tier 3 and the Source Water Protection process is completed in February of 2021 or to 2023 .