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This is a decision like most of the current government’s environmental ones, that is not based on science. I oppose this, as the benefits do not outweigh the consequences on the ecosystem.

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I Do not think the spring hunt should be brought back and I do not think that municipalities should have the option to opt in. There is no clear link between reducing the nuisance bear population and having a spring hunt. This was even looked at by a committee. Lire davantage

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As an Ontario Resident I support the continuation of the Spring Bear Hunt in Wildlife Management Units where there is already a fall bear hunt and the Black Bear Population is healthy. Lire davantage

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I find a bear spring hunt irresponsible and reinforces the fact that as humans we are constantly overlooking the fact that these are living creatures trying to survive. Lire davantage

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Ontario Federation of Agriculture

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On behalf of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, please find attached our submission regarding EBR 019-1112. Thank you, Jason Bent Director of Policy Research Ontario Federation of Agriculture Lire davantage

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There is no intelligent reason to allow a Spring bear hunt in the province of Ontario. Tourism livelihoods in Ontario do not depend on a seasonal hunt of any kind. Lire davantage

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There is no market for a mother bear meat when her cubs have been orphaned. It is senseless and we must look beyond sport hunting if we are going to survive as a species. Let’s not allow this please.

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The extension of the spring black bear season is definitely a great idea, and will benefit all who pursue black bear during the spring season. I believe it will also benefit other wildlife populations, mainly Ontario’s ungulates, deer and moose. Lire davantage

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We own a cottage in Oliphant and have only occasionally seen Black Bears. I believe you should ban the hunting of Black Bears completely in the Bruce Peninsula.

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Hi, I feel that any hunt that could kill mothers is not in the spirit of hunting. When a mother bear is killed, that kills her cubs too. It's 2020, let's be better.

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The spring bear hunt will inevitably leave young bears orphaned. This is a heartbreaking cruelty. Orphaned bears do not die quickly. It is inhumane to allow this to happen. Please do not reinstate the spring bear hunt in Ontario.

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I am strongly opposed to a spring bear hunt. Hunting in spring will cause a drastic increase in orphaned young. It’s cruel to allow a hunt that will leave bear cubs without their mothers to nurse them and teach them how to forage and care for themselves. Lire davantage

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Reinstating spring bear hunting will benefit only a small group of hunting/ bear tourism organizers and most likely negatively affect a bear population. Lire davantage

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Destination Northern Ontario is one of thirteen regional tourism organizations in Ontario. We support the tourism industry and in this case NOTO who advocates on behalf of the outfitting sector. Lire davantage

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Allow all residents and non residents to target bears in the spring and make it available to have 2 tags in populated areas. Bear numbers in area 4, 5 and 8, where I live, are extremely high and need to be corrected.