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These guide requirements for non resident landowners should only be for when hunting away from their property maybe 150km away or something like that. I personally do not approve of any change in the guide requirement for landowners. Lire davantage

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I find this proposal to be deeply disturbing. Rather than taking an opportunity to become a leader in wildlife conservation, you are choosing to revert back to archaic and barbaric practices. Lire davantage

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“Hunting” is a poor reason to entice violently inclined individuals to our country. Experiencing nature or wildlife photography would be a better option. Baiting bears is always a bad idea. Human and bear interactions require mutual respect.

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I would like to comment on the proposed changes to the black bear hunting regulations. Specifically, I am against the proposal to implement a regular spring black bear season. I do not think this proposal will reduce human-bear conflicts. Lire davantage

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You have to be a special kind of ghoul to want to kill a mother bear while she is nursing and rearing her cubs. This is especially cruel and debases who we are as Ontarians. please stop this!

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I am writing to request the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt that was supported by the previous provincial Liberal government when they were in power. Lire davantage

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The reinstatement of a black bear hunt in Ontario is a cruel and unnecessary proposal. Hunting black bears in Ontario, is environmentally wrong, dangerous, and cruel. Lire davantage