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There is no evidence starting that a “spring hunt” will eliminate or even remotely control problem bears. It will just potentially wipe out another species. We don’t need or want this to be reinstated.

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My concern is that there will be orphaned cubs if there is a spring bear hunt. One orphan is too much. You cannot guarantee that there will be no orphans. I find this spring hunt so unethical. Orphans will stave to death. Do you want this on your hands?

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I am against the spring bear hunt because of the difficulty in determining the sex of female bears unless they have their cubs with them. Let’s not orphan more cubs.

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I live in the north. I have seen too much baiting and the killing of cubs. We can do better than this. Extra money for outfitters and more trigger happy non Canadians is not what we need. Please leave well enough alone.

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I am absolutely appalled that the government of Ontario is considering making the spring bear hunt permanent. It should never have been reinstated on a trial basis anyway. It's now 2020 and time for Ontario to take the lead in appropriate behaviour towards this keystone, apex animal. Lire davantage

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The spring bear hunt should not reopen. It is not justifiable on animal rights grounds, it is cruel, as it results in many orphan cubs as hunters are generally unable to distinguish between a male or female.

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I support this move. The OFAH has helped bring back our hunt. Thanks for looking at the facts. If people want to see bears, put the hours in the stand like we do & earn your picture. It's not a zoo out there, it's real life & the bears don't answer to the dinner bell every night.

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I am strongly against allowing more bear hunting. If anything, we should allow less, much less. This is a barbaric practice. We should not be hunting bears. We should not make it easier for hunters to kill bears.

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There are too many black bears in the Timmins and area. They are plenty of bears in the forest and too many bears in town. Since you stopped the spring bear season, the bears multiplied and you let it get out of hand. Now there is a big problem. They are everywhere. Lire davantage