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Best scenario is Spring Bear Hunt should be abolished. However if hunt is too continue, changes must be made. It should last 30 days, June 1 to June 30. Baiting must stop after June 30 not to begin again until September 1st, 2 weeks prior to fall hunt. Lire davantage

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I am a hunter and trapper just not bear firstly the consideration to change baiting distance from 200 meters to 30 meters should not happen 30 meters is to close to trails the bears will use the trails in the area of 30 meters. I don't think baiting should be allowed at all... Lire davantage

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I strongly support the proposed changes to the black bear hunting regulations as presented. In addition, I recommended and strongly support a removal of the language restricting baiting within 200m of a maintained road or trail. Lire davantage

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Good morning. The Spring Bear Hunt should be abolished. To me, baiting is cheating. It seems to me that the bear hunt would exist to please hunters, and that's all. It's unconscionable to hunt animals who are just waking up from hibernation, too. Lire davantage

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Please stop the bear hunt. There will be so many orphaned cubs! And there are not too many bears so please leave our wildlife alone. It's bad enough you allowed the slaughter of deers at Shorthills in St. Catharines again last year. LEAVE THE BEARS ALONE!!

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The black bear population in Ontario is substantial, sustained, harvestable, problematic and ubiquitous. They are a hazard to motorists, a nuisance at waste management facilities, a significant moose calf predator and can become dangerously aggressive when they loose their fear of man. Lire davantage

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My husband and I are nature photographers. The past 10 years, even since relocating to rural northern Ontario, we are hard pressed to locate any wildlife. Lire davantage

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I support the Spring Black Bear Hunt reinstatement. I am potentially against some of the changes in outfitting requirements. I will clarify depending on citizenship. Lire davantage

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Spring Bear Hunt should be abolished, however if hunt is too continue, changes must be made. It should last 30 days, June 1 to June 30. Baiting must stop after June 30 not to begin again until September 1st, 2 weeks prior to fall hunt. Lire davantage

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Although some hunting is necessary to assist with keeping numbers down, having a spring hunt is an issue. Hunters can not guarantee they have the knowledge and capability to ensure they are not killing a mother bear. Lire davantage

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I'm am grateful that the MNRF has the scientific expertise to conduct the research informing potential changes to the management of black bears on the Bruce Peninsula, where I reside. Lire davantage

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I am writing you requesting that the spring bear hunt be cancelled. Bears are born in January. When the spring comes the mother bear hides her cubs in the trees while she looks for food for herself to fatten up. Bear cubs are still nursing at that time. Lire davantage

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Please don't have any more spring hunts for bears. We need to find a method of co-existing with them without killing them. They are not a food source for people. We just destroy their habitat.

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Please do not allow a spring Bear Hunt. During the spring there are Female bears with very young cubs. They send the cubs up in the trees to hide while they forage for food. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to bringing back the black bear hunt and vehemently advocate against it. The spring season is when black bear mother's and their cubs emerge from their dens - if we allow the killing of the mothers, what will happen to their cubs? Will they be killed as well? Lire davantage