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Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three of the four sites on the two applications at Wolf Lake (019-0593 & 019-2230) are favoured campsites. All of the sites have significant old red pine ecosystems. Lire davantage

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Mineral exploration is a key facet of Ontario's economy, providing thousands of jobs and millions of dollar in revenue to the Ontario government and people of Ontario each year. Lire davantage

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Please reconsider any type of mining exploration or any form of industrial activity. We need to protect our lands, forests, rivers, and lakes, for future generations. Thank you, Merci, Miigwech!

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Wolf Lake is an important site with one of Ontario's oldest untouched red pine forest. It is crucial to protect this area as it provides important habitat for a struggling moose population.

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I am opposed to this exploration. 10 years ago I remember contacting Green Peace Canada because I wanted to help the environment and they said I could help Save Wolf Lake from mining exploration. Lire davantage

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The Wolf Lake region of Sudbury is home to one of the worlds oldest contiguous stands of old-growth red pine. This region is of immense recreational, ecological, and scientific value and should be protected from exploration activities. Lire davantage

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I am strongly against this permit develop mining in the Wolf Lake area. Wolf Lake is a unique outdoor area where me and my family have enjoyed camping and hiking over the past decade. Lire davantage

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Please do not approve this mineral exploration permit that will cause irreparable harm to the pristine nature around Wolf Lake. This area is a site of cultural significance and a well loved canoe tripping destination containing magnificent old growth forests and lovely campsites. Lire davantage

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With the knowledge we have of the importance of trees in capturing carbon dioxide. With the concern for climate change. With the fact that the Wolf Lake area has been set aside for future generations to enjoy, I am upset that there are those who want to mine the region and cut down trees. Lire davantage

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I oppose any exploration or development work in the Wolf Lake area, and support the comments in the attached letter dated Sept. 1, 2020, including that: "Wolf Lake is a very heavily used recreational lake, as well as a globally significant ecological area. Three Lire davantage

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This development is unnecessary and destructive to the only old growth forest we have in the North. This area has been to focus of decades of work by people trying to save it from one more devastating loss. Just do not approve this disaster.

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The Wolf Lake old growth forest is the largest known old growth red pine forest in North America. That in itself should be enough to ensure that it is never mined or harvested. Old growth forests are unique ecosystems that take centuries to develop. Lire davantage