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Commentaire fait au nom

Hydro One Networks Inc.

Statut du commentaire

Please find comments on behalf of Hydro One Networks Inc. Vice President of Stakeholder Relations, Dan Levitan, attached. Lire davantage

Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

Ontario Energy Association

Statut du commentaire

The Ontario Energy Association (OEA) is pleased to provide this response to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (the Ministry) on proposed regulatory amendments related to (1) the Leave to Construct Cost Threshold for Hydrocarbon Pipelines (ERO: 019-3041); and (2) to exempt certai Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom

Bedrock Energy Corp.

Statut du commentaire

Dear Samir Adkar, Thank you for this one-time opportunity to offer our experienced observations on this important set of amendments. At Bedrock Energy Corp. (“Bedrock”), we have one strong recommendation to urge you to make to your Lire davantage