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I DO NOT support developing any of the green belt. What’s the point of protected land if you’re just going to develop it when it benefits you? Urban sprawl is not the solution and it will not make housing more affordable. Build apartment buildings in cities, build affordable housing in cities. Lire davantage

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As a member of the Etobicoke-Lakeshore district, I have been very concerned about this government's ongoing attempts to prioritize development over critical protected farmland and restricted spaces. Lire davantage

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I do not approve of this change. Please stop this attack on the greenbelt to benefit developers. There are other ways of achieving affordable housing, like dealing with NIMBYs and zoning laws.

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Coming from a province who prides themselves on conservation this is appalling. We are already so overdeveleoped. Why continue to destroy the earth? Why further the damage we have already done to our ecosystems and animals? THIS IS NOT OKAY.

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The names of the developers and landowners benefiting from these amendments, and PCPO donations since 2014 (according to Elections Ontario records): Silvio DeGasperis ($28,245) Carlo DeGasperis ($20,410) Michael DeGasperis ($9,475) Tacc Developments Inc. ($34,975) Lire davantage

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Removal of the lands from the green belt, especially when Municipalities have said no to development, is - in my opinion is wrong. Farmland cannot be replaced. Conservation land cannot be replaced. This government has allowed more sprawl and destruction then any other. Stop the sprawl. Just stop

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I do not support ANY encroachment on the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is intended to be permanently protected. Opening any portion of it to development opens all areas to land speculation. Lire davantage

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We need to stop the Ford governments expansion into Ontario’s Greenbelt in order to protect the forest, farmland, and the waterways. Doug Ford promised to protected it and in a 2022 broke that promise. Lire davantage

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Use wetlands and protected green space for houses? NON. Just NO. We need protected green space for wildlife corridors, oxygen production, farm land, and flood prevention. Lire davantage

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DO NOT redesignated an area of the greenbelt to allow for development. This is incredibly short sighted and is not in the community's best interest. If this is done once it is sure to happen again.

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Developing the Greenbelt is transparently corrupt. The lands proposed for development are owned by wealthy Doug Ford donors and many of the tracts were purchased within the last two years, signalling that this fix has been in the making for some time. Lire davantage

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The government promised to not compromise on the greenbelt. Those comments were made just one year ago. The ford government cannot be allowed to proceed in blatant disregard to the intent of the greenbelt for the benefit of a few construction developers. Lire davantage