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Protected land is protected for a reason The areas do not have the same features or habitats or environmental implications to be swapped One area cannot be compromised because you bring in a different area. They are not equal Lire davantage

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The green belt is a beautiful thing our province has and it should be left alone FOREVER. We do not need to develop on this land and I’m honestly disgusted that its even being suggested. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford has been saying for years that he would not be touching the green belt because he cares about the people and he listens to what they say, why is he now choosing to do so now? Lire davantage

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As a life long resident of Hamilton, I do not support removing protection from the green belt. Land is a finite resource. This is not the answer to the housing crisis. I do not support the Ford government looking out for investors over the environment.

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This an incredibly short sighted plan. We don't need McMansions on environmentally sensitive land miles from urban areas. We need high density low to middle income housing near existing urban centers and transit.

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In 2018 Doug Ford publicly announced he would not touch the Greenbelt after voters voiced their displeasure. What has changed now? Nothing yet we are back to considering demolishing a key part of our environment and ecosystem. Lire davantage

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We don’t need more homes, there are thousands of empty apartments in Toronto; there are empty office building all over Toronto. We have thousands of foreign buyers who buy homes and don’t live in them or rent them out. We don’t need to build more on protected lands.

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Please do not do this. The safety of our wildlife and environment is more important than a highway that offers few, if any, benefits. This is not okay and this is not what the people want. Ford promised he would not do this. Lire davantage

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Hi Mr Ford, I do not agree with your amendments to the green belt. Your government has previously unprotected many lakes and lands. Please seriously take a look at your federal buildings that aren’t being used or properly used. Lire davantage

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The expansion of the green belt is unnecessary and harmful. The home built here will not help the population that is in desperate need of affordable housing. Urban sprawl contributes to more cars on the roads and increased pollution. Lire davantage

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If you want to address the housing crises stop letting landlords own an abundance of homes they don’t even live near so they can rent them out for profit. Cafeteria rules, everyone should have 1 before others have seconds. Lire davantage

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Please do not do this. The safety of our wildlife and environment is more important than a highway that offers few, if any, benefits. This is not okay and this is not what the people want. Ford promised he would not do this. Lire davantage

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Ontario needs high density, low income housing immediately. Employers and the workforce at large are moving away from the need to hold major real estate space in cities - we must repurpose these buildings. Ontario must protect the environment and wildlife within the Greenbelt at all costs. Lire davantage

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This is not acceptable. The green belt needs to remain as is without unnecessary over priced housing and retail buildings. Further, we do not need another highway that will not be any real benefit to anyone. Ford claimed he wouldn't touch the green belt, now he is. Lire davantage

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I do not support this proposal. The green belt must remain untouched, the environment matters more than the pockets of companies. It's our future and it must stay untouched. Lire davantage