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The land of the Greenbelt is protected for a reason. It should not be developed for a highway that will barely save time, and mansions for millionaires. We need housing, great use the empty office buildings that are literally everywhere. Limit the top 1% from buying every property under the sun. Lire davantage

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No. Do not do this. You are ruining this province to line your own pockets. You are INTENTIONALLY causing a healthcare system collapse to bring in private pay systems. You are harming our children. You are destroying our homes. Stop. Leave. Quit.

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This is deeply irresponsible and unethical, and will ruin part of what little protected nature we have left in this province. Dougie acid he wouldn't touch the greenbelt yet here he is. Lire davantage

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Please do not enter the green belt to build ANYTHING!!! We need our ecosystem in order to survive. There are more import things the government should he focusing on such as fixing our broken Healthcare and education system! Lire davantage

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I disagree with building on the Greenbelt. Climate change and global warming are serious concerns the government should be taking more seriously. The benefit of building overpriced houses or unnecessary highways does not outweigh the burden on the environment or the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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Doug don't break promises let alone all the wildlife? Yes to many vacant buildings that could be turned into micro apt,s ....come on Ford!! Leave our greenbelt alone, don't be greedy!! Put this $$$ to better use!!!

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The green belt is protected land and the very thought of developing on it should have been one that was denied before it even got this far. We’re in the midst of a climate crisis, we need to protect any forestry we can, the last thing we need is more developments that line corporate pockets.

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Do not reopen it. Our wildlife is necessary and trying to hide behind the collapsing of hospitals and education is low. Fix those instead of trying to add more developments to our province. You are greedy and corrupt, Doug.

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The idea of developing on the green belt is a step backwards in protecting our green spaces. We should be cherishing the environments we have and not expanding into them. What's the point of having a greenbelt if we don't respect what it has been put in place for. Lire davantage

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This is a disaster waiting to happen! The green belt is protected for a reason. I am against this and i am disgusted that Doug Fords conservatives would go back on their word like this!

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The greenbelt is more valuable to our society as as a protected greenspace then for more development. We need to keep a balance with how we spread out otherwise this could have devastating environmental effects and will effect the citizens as well with flooding etc Lire davantage

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I am absolutely DISGUSTED that opening the green belt is even being considered. This is a protected area for a reason! There are so many animals that depend on this land to survive. So many endangered species that would be eradicated if this were to happen. Lire davantage

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I do not have the words to express how horrified and disappointed I am by this proposal, and by the walking back of these protections in favour of high-density development. The Greenbelt plays a vital role in protecting our climate and various species. Lire davantage

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It is laughable to wrap this proposal up as anything other than a development opportunity, driven by a desire to make money. It certainly does not offer a housing crisis solution. Lire davantage

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One of my biggest concerns with Map 6 and the removal of the Greenbelt in Pickering is flooding. Have there been proper research and surveying done in regards to flooding being a risk for the suburban area found directly below this greenbelt space? Lire davantage

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NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just. no. this province is an absolute dumpster fire filled with money hungry officials and developers who don’t care about anything other than getting rich. Lire davantage