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I don’t support this proposal at all. The green belt must be protected. It’s not ethical to build on it and destroy our environment and wildlife even further. Protect the green belt.

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This land does not belong to DF. This should not be permitted! Period. How much more damage will he do to Ontario? Stop this! Ask people, we should have a vote on this and on DF.

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We are in a climate crisis. We cannot afford to be building on top of wetlands and cutting down what limited forestry we have left in these areas. This also opens up room for the Ford government to take advantage of other protected areas and open them up to development. Lire davantage

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Find better solutions than ruining our environment for the benefit and profit of millionaires and billionaires. Stop ruining our natural resources and selling them to the highest bidder/friends of friends. Lire davantage

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Born and raised in the Niagara region, I absolutely do not support this green belt development. Not only the impact on our conservation areas and general environment but more unnecessary unaffordable housing just being built to make Doug Ford and his buddies more money. Lire davantage

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I believe developing new homes in green belt is a terrible idea. The proposed plan carves out 11 land packets while inserting only 1 new zone. Affordable housing is a problem in Ontario, but there are so much land that can be used for development outside of the green belt. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is protected land, with wildlife and plants that depend on it for survival. Doug Ford has also promised he would never build on the Greenbelt. To go back on your word as the provincial leader is very disappointing. Lire davantage

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We do not need mansions in the greenbelt! There is not a shortage of houses in Ontario, there is a surplus of landlords buying up all affordable homes and turning them into Airbnbs. Do NOT take lands away from the Greenbelt!

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We cannot develop this area. Once the area is gone we can never get it back. Just because Doug Ford wants to make his developer friends happy doesn’t mean it’s good for the province. Preserve the green belt and leave it’s the hands of the conservation areas

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Please do not allow this bill to pass! That is land that is protected for a reason and needs to stay that way. We all know who is driving this and why, Doug Ford stop trying to drive this province into ruin for your own benefit. Keep the land protected!!

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Please do not do this. The green belt should be left as is. We are not here to take over more land from wildlife and sell it to Doug Ford’s developer friends. This is not okay.