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Do NOT let the Greenbelt be built upon. Building on the greenbelt would have more far reaching ecological repercussions for years and decades to come. Do not give in to corporate greed.

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The green belt is such an important part of Ontario and should not be developed to keep the natural landscape and wildlife safe. I would suggest redeveloping some of the empty buildings in Toronto into low income housing.

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I STRONGLY disagree with this legislation. We need to protect what is left of our natural environment so that future generations will have equal access to a healthy lifestyle. It is very opportunist thinking and planning rather than forward thinking. Lire davantage

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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap. Lire davantage

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Protect as much green space as possible. Our earth needs this to happen so future generations can have nature available Look at existing buildings that are not being used and transform to housing.

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We need to stop urban sprawl and protect the very little wild life space we have left. It is important that we have the green belt, for climate change and for animals. I want my kids to know what a marsh is and not have it be something of the past.

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Opening the greenbelt to development is absolutely despicable. The Ford government is so tactless in addressing issues important to Ontario residents, and bulldozing over our protected green space is the last of many absolute disasters. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is too important for housing. It must be protected at any cost. I oppose the building in the green belt. The area doesn’t need more houses. We need more land protected. No building in the green belt.

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I disagree to the proposal of developing houses in the greenbelt area. Those resources can be better used by applying them to the much needed health care system which is at the brink of collapse now. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford had promised not to build on the green belt. This promise should be kept. Risking these animals habitants and taking power away from Conservation authorities is NOT ok. This seems like a deal for profit between Doug Ford and his contractor friends.

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We do not need McMansions on the green belt. We need high density, low income buildings in the city of Toronto, so that people can live and work without hours long commutes on transit. Lire davantage

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Getting rid of wetlands in Ontario is like getting rid of slopes on a roof. It will cause flooding and damages in a wider area than the area the wetlands take up. It's nature's natural path of drainage. Not to mention the numerous animals and plants you would be disrupting by developing the land. Lire davantage

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In a world rapidly impacted negatively by climate change, the first thing on a sound, ethical development plan that focuses on future generations and sustainable change should be the long term effects of any interventions we are making on our green space, socially, economically and environmentally. Lire davantage

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I completely oppose this. There are other ways besides building on the Greenbelt. Think about the air pollution this is going to cause and the damage it will do to the environment . I’m really angry that the government is trying to do this.

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This a plan to get conservative investor to have more land. It protected land I don’t think the government should used land that it supposed to be staying protected land. I believe because it animal and also part of swap that area is supposed to be Protected.

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Ontario needs less suburban sprawl not more. As a lifelong citizen who has benefited from all the natural wonder the green belt has brought us we must draw the line at development. Ontario is in a unique position to create urban centers that promote more sustainable growth. Lire davantage

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The development of the greenbelt will cause more harm than good in destroying this complex ecosystem. 14,000 hectares of urban lands have just opened up for development in the GTA and Hamilton area, which shows there is no need to use the greenbelt for development. Lire davantage