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Shrinking the Greenbelts at all is a terrible idea. Practically every city in Canada has plenty of room for development, especially considering the swathes of parking lots in downtown areas. Shrinking the greendbelts will just lead to increased sprawl.

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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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I live right by where Doug plans to build. I don’t want our wild life killed, I don’t want the destruction of our forests and natural landscape. Doug said he would NOT develop the greenlands. I don’t want the pollution and noise from more houses and people. Lire davantage

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I hope these comments being recieved from the public are being taken seriously and into consideration. As citizens it is within our right to be involved in the decision-making, planning, and development of land. Lire davantage

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The fact that this is being proposed is atrocious. Why not use already built empty buildings instead that would have zero environmental impact on the green belt. Lire davantage

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I support total conservation of our environment here in Ontario. I believe that our Greenbelt is a precious environment that needs to be sustained, and even grown, to support the needs of our wildlife, our water, and our air. Lire davantage

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Please don't touch the greenbelt! There is so much space in Toronto that could be utilized for high density low income housing, which is what we need! We don't need more mansions! We need affordable housing options that are within fiscal reach of low income Ontarians. Lire davantage

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Please! Please! Protect the green space. It is vital for wildlife and vegetation. I also believe cities need green zones to maintain some sort of air quality. This is backwards thinking. Our planet deserves better.

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I believe that the greenbelt is an essential part of our community and it would be a devastation to both the current and future generations to lose this land for recreational enjoyment and educational exploration of nature. Lire davantage