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They're is a reason these lands are supposed to be protected. The flora and fauna are unique to this area and should not be disturbed. I cannot think of one development that's benefits would out weigh the importance of keeping these lands as they are. Lire davantage

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No to this amendment. Fords bumbuddies dont need anymore favours. Instead of worrying about the greenbelt spend some of your surplus budget to fix our provincial healthcare and education systems. Lire davantage

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Selling off the greenbelt is a disastrous decision for eco systems, at risk wildlife and the beauty of Ontario. There are vast amounts of unused buildings that can be transformed, repurposed or razed for new housing. Lire davantage

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Do not use protected green space. Promote development to the East instead of West or North. With Oshawa to become second Mississauga, Belleville - second Oakville, Couburg - second Hamilton. Steps to archive this: Lire davantage

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You should not allow Doug Ford and his conservatives to build houses on the green belts protected lands. It is a slippery slope that will lead to more development their.. Lire davantage

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Do not shrink the green belt! This is not something people from Ontario support. It’s very obvious you’re only doing this to enrich yourself (Doug Ford) and your other rich friends. Do not shrink the green belt for land development.

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Rob Ford's government promised not to develop the Green Belt. His corporate partners and personal friends will benefit from this, while our environment is destroyed. Our planet is dying and this is not the answer to the unaffordable housing crisis. Lire davantage

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Keep the greenbelt green!! Doug Ford is a corrupt, useless, failed son of a business man who cares about nothing but money. The greenbelt will outsurvive him and all of us! WE NEED TO PRESERVE OUR GREEN SPACES!!! EVEN HE SAID HE WOULDN'T TOUCH IT!! STOP LETTING HIM GET AWAY WITH HIS LIES!!!

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The People of Ontario want to save the Greenbelt. We do not need to change its use and build houses and a highway on it. The more we destroy our Earth, the less houses we will need, because we won't survive.

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I do not support the proposal to destroy this green land. Doug Ford continues to take from public service to line the pockets of the private sector who also coincidentally are your friends and supporters. Lire davantage