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I am writing to express my opposition to Bill 23 and associated policy proposals that would weaken environmental protections and undermine public involvement in land use planning and decision-making. I am particularly concerned about the: Lire davantage

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How are we going to develop on land that feeds us, we need these greenbelts to produce food and products we so desperately need daily. There is always another option, we have to do better as a society in making better decisions, quick decisions lead to Bae consequences. Lire davantage

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When I was in public school, I was taught that the greenbelt was a very important part of Ontario. That there is an aquifer underneath, containing a lot of freshwater that we use to drink. Another thing that I was told, was that new development would stop after existing plans were completed. Lire davantage

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Explore higher density housing in already developed areas, rather than developing the green belt. Just because something is easier and provides a quick influx of cash for the Ontario government does not mean it is the right thing to do. At all.

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The Greenbelt is a precious resource and includes valuable farmland which makes us less dependant on food imports. Once this land is developed it is gone forever. Lire davantage

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No. Please do not destroy the green belt. We do not need more houses in this area. Life was much better and easy 20 years ago, when Canada’s population was 32M and people could afford food. Lire davantage

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Do not touch the Canada green belt, it needs to be protected. We don't need mansions or businesses out there, we need to support the small business in town and find a way to give los income households a decent place to live. Part of Canada's appeal is the nature around us.

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I am a 24-year-old university student from Mississauga who is currently studying in the UK. As a young person, I am deeply concerned about proposals to downsize the Greenbelt. The reality is that young people have an outsized stake in the future of our province. Lire davantage

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The province needs to focus on densification and enabling development of adorable housing projects. Sprawl and commuter suburbs is not sustainable for a fast growing urban region like Toronto. Additionally it is critical to preserve as much green space as we can. Lire davantage

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While I appreciate the need for more housing in the Hamilton-Guelph-Cambridge areas, it is not worth the environmental impact on these areas that removing these Greenbelt protection designations will incur. Lire davantage

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I don’t believe that destroying protected land is the only way to solve the housing crisis. There’s enough available land already but it needs smarter planning to build homes. But more importantly it should never be so simple to choose to destroy out ecosystem. Lire davantage

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This move to develop the greenbelt is uneeded, greedy, but most certainly short sighted. Not only did Mr. Ford promise not to develop the greenbelt, it has come out that he is doing so to benefit wealthy donors. Lire davantage

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Dear Premier You mentioned back in 2018 that you would not touch the green belt and here you are changing your mind. Your reason for destroying the green belt is to provide homes for the 300,000 immigrants, but there’s a better solution: Lire davantage