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I've lived in Ontario for 15 years now and this has to be one of the worst plans for housing development I've seen. No affordability clauses just more urban sprawl. Your own report on the act even identifies these issues. Lire davantage

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Please don't do this. Build more housing by increasing density. Make our cities more efficient with better public transit so we don't need to waste so much space on parking lots. Increase foreign buyers taxes and fix the landlord tenant board.

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developpers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developped, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Lire davantage

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Developing the green belt is going to destroy what makes Toronto so great and turn it into a hellscape like LA. This should only be considered after gentrification and redeveloping low density neighborhoods. Lire davantage

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developed, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Lire davantage

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Please do not make changes to the greenbelt. The promise was explicitly made by the current government that the greenbelt would not be touched. Keep this promise, or seek a referendum vote. Anything else is undemocratic.

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This plan MUST be scrapped entirely. How dare you continue to line the pockets of wealthy developers even more while screwing over Ontarians? There is absolutely NO guarantee you crooks will ensure any new development will be made affordable. Lire davantage

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There is no need to destroy the greenbelt. There are many other options as is listed below. In a time of climate change - we need as much green areas as we can. Sprawl doesn’t help anyone- as the work from home made clear to many people. Lire davantage

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This proposal should be criminal. If we pave over the green belt, what do we eat? What do our children eat? Imported crap from China? In case I was unclear, this proposal is a terrible idea and only serves to line the pockets of his builder friends.

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Building on public lands to enrich developers is corruption. There is more than enough land available to build within city limits. Don’t do this. Covid showed us how terrible urban sprawl is-workers no longer having to drive hours every day to get to and from work. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt land should not be developed until all other options have been exhausted. I do not believe the government has done their due diligence in exploring other options and I fear destroying the greenbelt for houses will have many unintended consequences to our water and food supply. Lire davantage

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Planning growth through sprawl is an outdated and greedy idea. People have been asking for density, you do the opposite. You say you'll never touch the green belt, you do the opposite. Lire davantage

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Here, you've already done the homework You don't need to destroy the greenbelt and line the pockets of corrupt politicians and developers to "solve the housing crisis" Lire davantage