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This is one of the dumbest things Ontario could do. How are we going to feed ourselves without farmland? This is some of the best farmland in the world it doesn't need to be ugly houses. Start building 4 story buildings where there are single family homes. We'll be able to house everyone. Lire davantage

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The corrupt Ford deal with developers must be stopped permanently and Bill 23 rescinded and put in the ash heap of history. Ford's repeated egregious lie to Ontarians not to develop the Greenbelt is a disgusting abuse of power, integrity and trust. Lire davantage

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The proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan vastly undermine its purpose and creates a highly concerning precedent for future developments in the area. The Greenbelt provides many environmental services which benefit all Ontarians. Lire davantage

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I am against the amendments to the Greenbelt to accommodate the More Homes Built Faster development plan and a new highway. While, I understand the need for more housing this is not the best way to improve the housing situation. Lire davantage

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I am a moderate but am highly opposed to the Greenbelt Plan. If Doug Ford reneges on his former promise not to touch it for development it will ensure me and my family do not endorse the Premier nor his MPP in my current riding. Find alternative space and build upwards, not outwards. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible plan, and should be withdrawn. The housing we need desperately is higher density low income housing. This plan just provides sprawl, and profits for developers, while damaging the environment to boot. Lire davantage

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As a concerned citizen, I do not think the Greenbelt should be paved and developed for what we all know will be unaffordable housing. Loss of prime agricultural land and another environmental disaster. Lire davantage

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This proposal is the most insane thing a politician has proposed in my lifetime. Doug Ford is wilfully trying to destroy the provinces climate. The entire proposal reeks of fraud and corruption. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible, short-sighted idea. Your own planners indicate there are other ways to increase housing density without having to cut into the green belt - and a patchwork of non-contiguous areas does not make for a good natural habitat. Lire davantage

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This proposal will not help with housing needs but will damage critical environmental areas. It only benefits large donors to Ford, who conveniently bought up undevelopable land and now can develop it. A promise made by Ford to protect the greenbelt, is a promise broken.

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Please don't sell out the Greenbelt to parasitic investors. Humanity doesn't need more suburbs. We need cities that actually work for communities built around green space, being able to walk or take public transit for necessities, and respect for Canada's natural environment.

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this legislation seems ill-timed and grossly inadequate. There are no mentions on infrastructure and affordable housing. The reduction in development fees without any requirement of cost reduction seems irresponsibly optimistic.

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Urban sprawl increases infrastructure costs (hydro, water, roads) and the needs to provide services to those spaces. Building a bunch of single family homes there means that tax revenue is lower; people have to travel further, increasing traffic everywhere. Lire davantage