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I am deeply disappointed in the premier going back on his word to never open GreenBelt to housing. Hearing the concerns from Environmental group, Conservation groups and municipalities. I think this is a very bad idea. Building houses in wetlands is not a great idea. Lire davantage

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The government should not backtrack on its promise to leave the greenbelt intact. These changes will set a precedent for every landowner and speculator to lobby the government to remove lands from the greenbelt for their benefit. Furthermore, the greenbelt is not a reserve of land for development. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting and criminal. The greenbelt is vital to the environmental health of this province. This government promised to leave this precious resource free of development. Unacceptable to parcel it up now.

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I am a Torontonian of about 40 years. I have not known empty shelves or food shortages. My friends who farm just outside the city assure me some of the best farmland in Canada is in the green belt. Please don’t sell it off to developers. They cannot be expected to use it for the benefit of all. Lire davantage