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I am totally opposed to this legislation. The environment is critical to our future and loosing this Green Belt land is totally unnecessary. If you want to increase housing, affordable housing in particular then what is called "gentle density" is the approach. Lire davantage

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I do not support the destruction of our protected Greenspaces in Ontario, and Doug Ford needs to be held accountable for his blatant disregard for the citizens of the Province. Lire davantage

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I am adamantly against these Greenbelt amendments for these 3 core reasons: 1). the Greenbelt was debated and resolved over a decade ago and is/was to be considered sacrosanct by all government administrations going forward. Full stop ! Lire davantage

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Do not develop the green belt. there are plenty of other options to increase housing. the green belt is our shared natural history and is essential for our food and water. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this Bill as there is no need to touch the Greenbelt. There are plenty of areas outside of it where housing can be built. Election promises were made to Not Touch the Greenbelt. The ecological damage is incalculable. Lire davantage

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The government of Ontario should not remove any powers form the Conservation authority. It should not remove any of the existing protections of the land as it is because it could set a precedent for future land grabs by developers. Lire davantage

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The evidence that this decision threatens the permanency of the Greenbelt and the connectiveness of the ecosystem is clear. Many reports have stated the lack of necessity for the proposed developments and that communities are well within their targets with development opportunity set aside. Lire davantage

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I am registering my opposition to the proposed changes by the provincial government to the various environmentally sensitive areas in Ontario. To make any changes to the existing protections of these lands is a huge mistake, and indicates a government that has little respect for the environment. Lire davantage

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I have not encountered one person who supports this bill. Protecting our green spaces and the greenbelt from destruction is essential in the face of climate change! We simply must protect the natural systems that sustain us! Lire davantage

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It is important that no land currently located within the Greenbelt be opened up for development for the following important reasons: 1. This land is NOT required for development as there is plenty of land already allocated in existing municipalities for new housing. Lire davantage

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I can't believe that my generation has not learned from what we have done yet. The planet is in crisis and Ford decides to swap out "some land" for "other land" without taking into account that all lands are not equal. I am so embarrassed and very sad for our children and grandchildren. Lire davantage

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the plan to build new homes needs to be building up not out !! this does not necessarily mean skyscrapers we just need density and the end of the era of single family residential homes as the ONLY option for ontario’s citizens. Lire davantage

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Ontario Society of Professional Engineers

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The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) is the advocacy body and voice of the engineering profession. Ontario currently has over 85,000 professional engineers, 250,000 engineering graduates, 6,600 engineering post-graduate students and 37,000 engineering undergraduate students. Lire davantage

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on behalf of Pine Valley (Mosiak) Inc. owner of land located at 10930 Pine Valley Drive in the city of Vaughan correspondence is provided requesting removal of the property from the Greenbelt Plan Boundary. the lands are adjacent to a community area and readily serviceable. Lire davantage

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It's disgusting that you have gone back on another promise and opening up the Greenbelt for development . It's also suspicious that more of your Developer buddies will benefit from this. 50,000 homes could easily be built in different parts of the province. You are all corrupt.

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Hello, as a resident of Durham region and parent of two school aged children I am mortified that the Greenbelt development is being planned after Election promises from Premier Ford to continue to preserve these integral areas as protected green space. Lire davantage