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I am completely opposed to Bill 23 and its proposed changes to the Greenbelt. It will destroy our only natural habitat that prevents floods and draughts and make our local food supply chain disappear. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt was established with the purpose of being a long term, in fact permanent, protection for our environment. It serves all of Ontario and protects us and the future of our Province. It MUST NOT be compromised for building or for highways. Lire davantage

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At this time societies highest priority must be to preserve the environment which sustains our local food and water supply, quality of air, our basic physical human needs. We must preserve and protect our Greenbelts in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I think this is a very bad, shortsighted idea. The green belt protects our local rivers, ravines, flora and fauna. In addition, it may reduce Toronto/Ontario’s self sufficiency as more and more or the provinces prime farm land gets paved over… irretrievably. Lire davantage

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Premier Ford and others in his cabinet promised not to alter the Greenbelt, to keep the land protected. They have broken that promise and are now carving up the Greenbelt and sectioning off pieces of it to wealthy developers, who are also donors to their party. Lire davantage

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The idea of taking away protection of the Green Belt is terrifying. We are in Ontario seeing the effects of climate change by way of very strong winds and flooding. The Green Belt acts as our lungs. Affordable housing must be built but not in an area that is essential for our province. Lire davantage

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Stealing land from the green belt to benefit friends of the government is a terrible idea. It will do nothing to provide affordable housing in the downtown cores of big cities and will reduce the green space in southern Ontario. Lire davantage

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We all know this is a bad idea environmentally. I’m deeply disappointed that capitalistic priorities are the dominant feature of politics these days. Please leave these green spaces alone.

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It reeks of corruption that developers purchased this protected, environmentally important land from the government, and then the government has, "suddenly" decided to address the housing crisis by removing all protections on that land. This is utterly despicable. Lire davantage

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This is clearly being done under the mindset that climate change is not real or a threat to our existence. Either that or Dougie is evil and thinks his profit is more important than the future of the human race. Sprawl/dependency on personal vehicles clearly isn’t working out. Lire davantage

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Please don't do this! We don't need to build more. You just need to change how investors act. Like make profits almost impossible with single family homes, let investors have apartment buildings etc. Lire davantage

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The damage the Ford government who seem to only have his cronies in mind, will do, will be irreparable and devastating. This man acts like a complete dictator and seems to be getting away with it. Lire davantage