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If the government is truly trying to create accessible, affordable housing for Ontarians, there are better ways to do it. This is nothing more than a gift to conservative donors, at the expense of the taxpayers in the municipalities where these lands are located. Lire davantage

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Developing the greenbelt is a very bad plan. We should be increasing density within the city, where existing infrastructure and services exist. We should not creating more sprawl and commuters. Lire davantage

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I wish to express my extreme objection to this proposal in its entirety! The Greenbelt was established as a commitment to the people of Ontario to protect from any development specific lands across the province. Lire davantage

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In this day and age where our environment is so important to the planet, this government is choosing to take Wetlands away where wildlife is living and we have been trying to protect it for years just to put in houses where there are millions of other areas that these homes can be built. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely shameful. This government, under Doug Ford, PROMISED the green belt would be untouched. You lied. Shame on you. Repeal these amendments immediately and think about what you’ve done to this province.

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The point of the green belt is to maintain Ontario's nature and to keep urban sprawl in check. The increase in urban sprawl on the edges of the GTA does not help the affordability and livability in terms of housing. Lire davantage

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‘Trading’ lands in Paris Galt and lower River Valleys that are already protected under separate conservation legislation, or adding a supposed 2000 acres of lands that are less environmentally significant are not equivalent. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt was intended to permanently preserve Greenspace and agriculture - NOT to be a flexible area that could be adjusted every time a developer wanted to buy a chunk to make a pile of money. Lire davantage

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There is no Planet B. We need to maintain our Greenbelt and preserve species’ habitats. Enough is enough! Greedy developers need to think more creatively on how to build homes without wrecking our environment.

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As a nature connection guide, I see first hand how natural spaces act as powerful healing tools for humans and ecosystems. Once they're gone, they're gone. Keep your hands off! Leave the green belt protected, undisturbed and natural! Stop sprawling into green areas. Lire davantage

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I do not support Bill 23. I understand there is a huge need for housing in Ontario. However, this should not be at the expense of ecosystems vital to our environmental, physical, emotional, cultural, and mental health. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy more wetlands. They are necessary to combat climate change. So many weather disasters are beginning to happen in our own backyards. If we don't have nature we have nothing. Please reconsider. Find a different area for you to make money off of. Lire davantage

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Opening the green belt for housing development is not only a destruction of much needed rural land in the golden horseshoe, it is also an extremely inefficient way to increase housing supply. The best place to build new housing is always where infrastructure already exists. Lire davantage

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Do not take away any land from the Greenbelt. It cannot be exchanged or replaced. The natural habitat for species of plants & animals will be forever lost. Our family is opposed to this proposal.

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Keep the greenbelt promise! Do not compromise what others before have worked so hard on to preserve our planets future. People complain when other countries destroy forests and farm land. Lets not do it in our own backyards too! Lire davantage

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The proposal to develop the Green Belt is terrible! These areas are protected for good reasons. I have reviewed all of the rationale you have presented, and it does not pass. Lire davantage

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My proposed amendment is to simply not change the Green Belt. As MPP Mike Schreiner said, this bill “doesn’t pass the smell test”. We in Guelph are vehemently opposed to any changes to the existing Green Belt. It has been categorically proven this bill will not help the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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Please don’t build on the green belt! We have homes staying vacant in the city and much land being unused in the gta already, we shouldn’t be building on environmentally sensitive land!! What ever happened to conservation? More homes instead of farmland or wildlife is not the answer! Lire davantage