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Keep your promises. Don't pave the Greenbelt. We need that land for food, for water purity or we won't have anything to drink. And if biodiversity goes down more we'll be screwed and die. Yes we may be ok at the moment but you can't eat money. Please please don't be an idiot. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to opening the Greenbelt to housing. I don't discount that there is a need for housing. But I feel there is plenty of already plenty of land in urban areas that can be re-deployed. How many old shopping centres, underutilized industrial areas are there. Lire davantage

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We have proven that we can accommodate the provinces population estimate WITHIN our city limits. Please respect the democratic wishes of hamilton to maintain our boundary and preserve habitat and flood plains. Lire davantage

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I am COMPLETELY opposed to these irresponsible amendments to the Greenbelt. We are in a crisis and this goes against Ford’s promise not to touch the Greenbelt. Reprehensible suggestion, cannot be put into action without catastrophic consequences. Lire davantage

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Greenbelt lands were to be protected from development. Once built upon, they are lost forever. Most Canadians have little understanding how small the amount of farm-able land there is in Canada. Unfortunately, some of the best is near large urban centres. Lire davantage

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This is unacceptable. Premier Ford promised not to touch the Greenbelt. Obviously his word means nothing. So disappointed that this important piece of land is up for grabs with not a thought about its importance to our province.

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I think getting rid of our green belt by developing it is one of the worst things this government could do. We need affordable housing not houses built in flood zones over important green space for farmers and communities. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford said he would NOT touch the Greenbelt. Not surprising that he's a complete liar, but he and his government can keep his grubby hands off the Greenbelt! We don't need more cheaply built homes instead of protected green environment.

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Doug Ford needs to leave the Green Belt alone and pay attention to his service people I am presently in hospital and I can speak 1st hand the hospital nurses do not get paid enough for what they do. This I'm sure applies to nurses wherever they work but right I'm in hospital. Lire davantage

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I vehemently oppose the proposed Greenbelt Act. Doug Ford is going too far and moving too fast on this proposal without considering negative environmental impacts and majority public opinions.

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Proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation To Whom It May Concern, Summary point: I do NOT agree with this proposal and feel it does not solve the housing affordability and supply crisis in Ontario. Lire davantage

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As an avid highway driver, I definitely appreciate this proposal. However, we must let out personal goals slide and focus on the main goal which is to reduce our carbon footprint. This proposal completely disregards any care of doing so. Therefore, I am against it

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Please keep the Greenbelt green, this is not a place for development!! Keep your word and do the right thing, history will judge this decision, and you are on the wrong side of it.

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Our Toronto family household of 6 voting adults are in favour of supporting the building of much needed affordable homes for Ontarians, but DO NOT TRUST Ontario's Provincial Government's Bill23 to be successful in building affordable homes. Lire davantage

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I am a Registered Professional Planner in Ontario (Ret. Status) who has been practicing land use planning for over 45 years now. I’m opposed to the whittling away of parts of the Greenbelt as proposed. Lire davantage

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Dont take away critical green space. He is getting paid by the people buying it under the guise of more housing. WE NEED our green space. Careful planning is needed in these times.