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There are plenty of opportunities to develop in the city and around where we still have very low density. We need affordable housing, we need multiplexes like they have in Quebec, we need mixed developments that are walkable and bikable. Please repeal bill 23! Lire davantage

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The greenbelt area was designated as such for a reason. It’s valuable farmland which must be protected. Also wetlands involved. I understand that we need more housing but I doubt the greenbelt is the solution. I doubt it would be affordable housing. Lire davantage

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This is truly a nightmare scenario. This might be falling on unwitting or unwilling ears, but I think protection of the green belt is paramount and frankly this change sets a dangerous precedent. Please reconsider this proposal. Lire davantage

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This bill, if it goes ahead, is not going to build affordable housing… we need to be infilling. There’s a lot of vacant land within municipalities that can be made into affordable housing Once an ecosystem is destroyed it’s too late to go back Ford PROMISED he would not touch the wetlands. Lire davantage

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These changes to the Greenbelt need to be stopped. This is not what the citizens of Ontario were promised when we voted. Once one set of changes is allowed, the door is open to any number of future changes. You must hold the line on Greenbelt development, period.

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Hi. No way! We need to protect the greenbelt. Please repeal Bill 23. We do not need more urban sprawl and should not pave over or develop the land on the greenbelt. We need affordable housing in places people already live. This is not affordable housing. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose Bill 23. The Ford government promised to leave the green belt untouched. This is another move of theirs against the environment, and to develop green space to make way for highways and subdivisions that will like his pockets. He and his cabinet should be ashamed of themselves.

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I think this is probably the worst possible housing policy. Our housing crisis is driven by a lack of units *in the most desirable urban areas*. People want to live in walkable, transit-friendly cities, which is why Toronto and Hamilton top the list of areas with high rents and house prices. Lire davantage

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Don't remove lands from the Greenbelt Area. We need more green spaces not less to support public health now and in the future. Instead make housing that already exists in the GTA and elsewhere more affordable so that people can actually rent and buy them. Lire davantage

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The city of Hamilton has made the decision to not encroach on the greenbelt through a lengthy process of public consultations. They made a decision as a community to build up rather than out. How can the Provincial government override this decision? Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this proposal to eliminate Greenbelt. Period. The Greenbelt should not be used for development on which to build sprawling neighborhoods that pollute and further destroy the surrounding environment. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with this proposed project and the changes to the green belt. Development on this preserved land can potentially have detrimental consequences to the environment, important wetlands and ultimately our livelihood as well. Lire davantage