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The proposed changes are a complete indication of a dishonest plan. We ,the l people of Ontario ,need to have a government that displays a clear followup on their promises that they were elected on. We require the Ford Government to hold true on the election promise and keep the green belt safe.

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The greenbelt it vital not only to wild animals and native species, it is vital to Ontario's watershed and food production. Carving a highway through it and developing suburbs will not solve the issues that they are claiming to. Lire davantage

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It would appear that the legislation has been developed solely to benefit Doug Ford's developer friends who, in some cases, have bought large parcels of land in the Green Belt at great costs after they knew it could not be developed. The whole issue does not pass the smell test. Lire davantage

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This is continuing racism Ontario! No consent from the First Nations whose territory you're determined to set on fire. THIS IS NOT RECONCILLATION. THIS IS NOT CLIMATE JUSTICE. Its just racist and simply stupid. Broken promises from the government again eh. Lire davantage

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I am totally against this proposal to remove greenbelt areas. This will cause irrevocable harm to our environment. Among other things, this proposal: Removes farmland that affect our ability to feed ourselves. Lire davantage

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I oppose the changes to the Greenbelt. I moved to Ontario for a better live that included green spaces and farm land. The former allows us to have a sustainable supply of food without relying always on imported food items. Opening up will not solve the housing crisis. Lire davantage

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At a time when the effects of the climate crisis are accelerating and biodiversity targets are not being met, why does this government think that it is a good idea to allow development on key wildlife corridors? We can build housing in less sensitive areas.

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This is a policy the Conservatives promised they would never propose. Are we expected to believe in a group of people who directly act in opposition to their promises? One of the best things about Ontario and about Canada generally speaking is our care for green spaces and the environment. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am writing to express my concern over Highway 413. This is not a step we should be taking in light of the climate crisis we are facing. As noted by CBC, it locks us into a "high-carbon future". Lire davantage

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ERO#019-6216 I am strongly against opening up any part of the moraine to any kind of development. This is protected greenspace for a reason! We need to stop this unwanted action immediately. Lire davantage

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Development in the Green belt should NOT allowed! We all know the housing committee has found enough space WITHIN the urban boundaries to provide with the 1.5 million homes we supposedly require. Developers should not have been allowed to buy up land in the green belt, Lire davantage

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No, just no. I was open to arguments that Ford was not so bad. I even voted for him once. But his blatant lies about not planning this are the final straw. Hands off the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I have concerns about Bill 23 and the negative impact that it will forever have on our green space. While i agree that Ontario needs to have more affordable housing, I believe that this can be achieved without taking away our green space. Lire davantage

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Please leave the Greenbelt alone. Ford needs to focus on improving transportation, especially train access across the province, so that there's no longer such a requirement to live in such a congested way. Lire davantage

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Opening up the greenbelt for development is a dangerous precedent. There is no shortage of land available in already built areas (even your experts say so). Once gone, farmland, shorelands, wetlands and other sensitive environmental areas are gone forever. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt was established for a reason and should not be tampered with under any circumstances. Politics should, under no circumstances be part of this discussion. Very important for the future livability of Southern Ontario. Hands off Mr. Ford!