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The Greenbelt is precious and should not be shrunk or have areas redesignated. The proposed new Greenbelt lands should be added to the protected areas and the proposed removals/redesignations should be cancelled. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt as it currently exists has the support of the majority of Ontarians. Trading land in and out of it is a farce. Additional urban sprawl will not help our traffic or our house prices nearly as much as zoning reform would. Lire davantage

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Please do not open the Greenbelt up for development. The government will be destroying irreplaceable wetland, forests, and farmland, devastating biodiversity while degrading our water quality. Lire davantage

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Focus on creating more density in existing cities and support smaller cities to grow so there’s more than just Vancouver and Toronto housing most of Canada. We don’t need more single detached suburbs, that development pattern is expensive to maintain and not as many taxes per square ft.

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Please stop selling off this country to the rich. We can't grow more green space, have a heart and moment of reflection on this and understand how much this will hurt our future. You have enough money just leave us alone.

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Please consider the environment, we have to save and pass it to the next generation, there is not much farmland and it is our duty to keep every inch of it, if we don't, our children will not forgive us.

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I am disgusted by this government's blatant disregard and shortsightedness on how rezoning the Golden Horseshoe's watershed will negatively impact the quality and integrity of the water supply for the area.

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Food security is the future. The green belt puts Ontario in a unique position to have green space to farm and grow. It is good for not only the environment, but having access to green space and some of the parks in it provide a nature escape close to the city. Lire davantage

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I am personally appalled at the notion of developing on the green belt. This land was set aside for a purpose. It wasn’t set aside for future governments to greedily want to dig it up. Lire davantage

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This decision is immeasurably harmful to the environment. We need to protect Canada's natural resources because that's one thing that we have in resources that other places don't. The proposal offers short-term solutions that will both cause and complicate long-term problems. Lire davantage

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Do not re-open the Greenbelt with this plan. It is poorly thought out and will further the suburban sprawl while harming protected green areas. Once Toronto has a higher density and transit connecting its already built suburbs then the Greenbelt can be opened and built in. Lire davantage